Become a Sponsor or Donate
Certifications & Memberships

Help A Veteran
Sponsor a Vet for a Month, Every Month
For $30 a month, you will be providing a Veteran with 4 mental health appointments and medication for a month.
Provide a Mental Health Appointment, Every Month
For $6 a month, you will be providing a Veteran with one mental health appointment per month.
Support the Cause
With your donation, we can help grow our services and the number of veterans we can help.
General Sponsorships
Thank you for partnering with us to help the fight against veteran suicide.
Life Saver 1 – Supporter – $100
Benefits include:
- Tax-Deductible donation and donation receipt
- Social Media recognition on FB or Instagram.
Life Saver 2 – Supporter – $250
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- Place your company information in all swag items and folders that RFVSP hands out throughout the year.
- Social media recognition on all platforms.
Copper Life Saver – $500
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus,
- Logo on our website (main page, event page, and name listed on donation page)
- Logo added to Annual Race to End Vet Suicide Shirt
Bronze Life Saver – $2,500
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- 2 RFVSP polo shirts for staff or hoodies
Silver Life Saver – $5,000
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- Logo will be included on all marketing materials given out by RFVSP
- Recognition Plaque (Presentation to be done at the Annual Race to End Vet Suicide)
Gold Life Saver – $15,000
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- 5 RFVSP hats for staff
- Table at all RFVSP events for the year
Platinum Life Saver – $25,000
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- Inclusion on all Radio Marketing, Website Marketing, and Paper Marketing.
- 10 RFVSP polo shirts.
- 10 Custom name badges with RFVSP logo and company logo
Platinum Diamond Life Saver – $50,000
Benefits include:
- All of the above, plus
- 5 tickets to an annual event of choice
- Annual Thank You Dinner
For more information, please check out our sponsorship packet.
Articles of Incorporation and IRS Tax Exemption Details
RFVSP will never operate above 23% from 2022 forward. The current goal on the horizon is to be at 10% or less by 2025. Due to starting up right before a Global Pandemic hit set us back a small bit on the home front of operation, however, we are making amazing progress on the home front to lower our operations and overhead cost.
Unrestricted donations will go in to the general fund of RFVSP where they will be used for any program we offer, overhead, events, and individuals in need.
Restricted donations will go to the exact program, event, or individual described in the donation paperwork, never will they be spit up.
When sending us your donation please list with the donation if in fact it is a restricted donation so that we can honor your wishes.